Olympic Center Carinthia
The Carinthia Olympic Center is the central point of contact and competence center for top athletes in Carinthia.
It forms a crucial interface in the support and promotion of top and young athletes. In cooperation with the Austrian federal professional associations and the ÖOC, the increased involvement of the Olympic Centers Austria creates improved conditions for preparation for the Olympic Games, Paralympics, Youth Olympic events as well as World and European Championships.
The objective of the Carinthia Olympic Center is thus to create ideal framework conditions for a successful competitive sports career. Our main focus is on “long-term athlete development”, the long-term development from a young talent to a successful competitive athlete and participant in the Olympic Games.
The Olympic Center is a building block in the Carinthian sports landscape, which has set itself the goal of supporting athletes on their way together with the other institutions of top-class sport in the best possible way.
Last but not least, the Carinthian Olympic Center, as an independent institution, is intended to be a home base and central meeting point for top Carinthian athletes.
A short portrait of the Carinthia Olympic Center
• 1994 opening of the Sports Medicine Institute of the State of Carinthia under Dr. Karl Schnabl
• 2014 Olympic Center certification
• Sponsorship: Office of the Carinthian Provincial Government; Head: Mag. Arno Arthofer (state sports director); Sports director: Mag. Walter Reichel
• 2018 spatial consolidation of all departments of the OZ in the Sportpark Klagenfurt (28 Black Arena)
• Partners: City of Klagenfurt, Sportpark Klagenfurt, Heeressportzentrum, USI University Sports Klagenfurt, Carinthia school sports performance model
Athletes of the Carinthia Olympic Center (extract)
Vanessa Herzog (speed skating), Magdalena Lobnig (rowing), Nadine Fest (alpine skiing), Nadine Weratschnig (canoe), Hanno Douschan (snowboard cross), Alex Payer (snowboard), Markus Salcher (para skiing), Mario Leitner (canoe) , Felix Oschmautz (canoe)
Office of the Carinthian Provincial Government
Olympic Center Carinthia
Head: Mag. Arno Arthofer
Sports director: Mag. Walter Reichel
Südring 207
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Tel: 050-536-16153
Fax: 050-536-16150
Mail: walter.reichel@ktn.gv.at
Sportpark Klagenfurt opened its new Olympic Center Carinthia with a celebration on December 1, 2014. Together with other high-rank representatives of the province of Carinthia and the city of Klagenfurt, ÖOC president Dr. Karl Stoss and governor Dr. Peter Kaiser cut the red-white-red ribbon at exactly 18:45 o’clock that day.
The Olympic Center Carinthia is the fifth of its kind in Austria, following Vorarlberg, Tyrol, Salzburg, and Upper Austria.
The Olympic Center Carinthia team follows the “High Performance Unit“ approach and the goal to accompany and support athletes and their coaching team to reach their highest possible athletic success. Foremost important among the interdisciplinary cooperation of each specific area is the generation of larger scopes of action for the coaching and support teams of the athletes.
It is in the teams highest interest to be able to offer optimal framework conditions for contemporary and innovative athletic supervision and care, and to measure the success as well as individual development of athletes that are set by these important requirements.
The Olympic-High-Performance-Unit integrates diagnostic elements of sports medicine, sport science and psychology, nutritional science, and physical therapy. The multidisciplinary consultations with experts in each of these areas conclude the comprehensive diagnostic process.
Siebenhügelstraße 107, 9020 Klagenfurt
Mag. Arno Arthofer – Landessportdirektor
+43 664 805 361 617 1
Mag. Barbara Pirker-Praschnig, MAS
+43 664 620 255 2
Stefan Weitensfelder
+43 50 536 1617 2
Opening Hours:
Mon 08:00 – 16:00 o’clock
Tue-Fri 08:00 – 12:00 o’clock
or by appointment